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Funding and grants to support your investment

There are a range of available funding options to support your investment into North East England. Our Inward Investment team are on hand to talk you through the grants to help find the right option for your business.

North of Tyne Inward Investment Fund

£10m is available to support businesses looking to invest and create jobs in Northumberland.

  • Inward Investment Fund can contribute up to 10% of costs
  • Grants of between £100,000 up to a maximum of £1million
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North East Local Enterprise Partnership Inward Investment Grant

Supporting major new investments into the North East LEP region.

Grants available between £1m-£5m depending on project.

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Business Growth Fund

Capital grant funding to support businesses looking to expand or establish new operations in Northumberland and the wider North East. 

£3.5m programme funded by the UK Shared Prosperity fund to support growth. Businesses could be eligible for a grant of up to 30% expenditure if they:

 - Have a project that could not proceed without grant support

 - Are planning capital investment of at least £67,000

 - Are expanding or establishing in Northumberland/North East England

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Northumberland Small Business Service

Once you have chosen Northumberland as your investment location your business may be eligible for business support and funding through the Northumberland Small Business Service.

The Northumberland Small Business Service, is funded through UK Shared Prosperity Fund, Rural England Prosperity Fund and North of Tyne Combined Authority, is delivered by Advance Northumberland delivering on behalf of Northumberland County Council and runs until 31st March 2026. The programme aims to support SMEs located across Northumberland to develop and grow.

Your business may be eligible for:

 - Growth & resilience support

 - A capital grant between £10,000-£300,000

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Soft landing package

Once you have relocated to Northumberland additional support and funding options are available through Advance Northumberland to nurture your business and encourage it to grow.

If you’re already in the North East of England you may be eligible for these support programmes now; please visit their websites for eligibility and further information.

View our soft landing package

Funding Opportunities

To discuss funding opportunities to support your business to invest in Northumberland please get in touch with the team.

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